tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
الكتاب : تفسير الأحلام tafsir al ahlam | المؤلف : محمد بن سيرين ( لا يصح نسبته اليه ) |
الكتاب : تعطير الأنام في تفسير-الأحلام | المؤلف : عبد الغني بن إسماعيل النابلسي |
الكتاب : الاشارات في علم العبارات | المؤلف : خليل بن شاهين الظاهري، غرس الدين |
الكتاب : تنبيه الأفهام بتأويل الأحلام | المؤلف : أبوبكر بن محمد بن عمر الملا الحنفي الإحسائي |
الكتاب : موسوعة تفسير الأحلام | المؤلف :ميلر |
اہمیة الحدیث عن الرؤیا تفسير الاحلام tafsir al ahlam
تفسير الاحلام الحدیث عن تفسير الاحلام والرؤی وضوابطہا ، وأحکامہا و طرقہا ، ذ واھمیة بالغة ، خا صة فی ھذا الزمن الذی اختلط فیه الحق بالباطل ، وتحدّث فی الرؤی وأ وّلہا من لیس اھلاً لذ لک۔ویمکن اِجمال الأسبابالتیی شجّعتنا علی الکلام فیی ھذا الأمر المھمّ مایلیی:۱۔ غلو البعض فیی تقدیر الرؤیا ورفعھا فوق مکا نتھا ، حتی یعتبرھا تشریعاً ، أو ینقض بھا شرع اللہ عزّوجَلّ فیحلل الحرام أو یحرم الحلالبناء علی رؤیا رآھا ، أو یدعیی بھا علم شییء من الغیب،۲۔ استھانةبعضھم بھا والتفریط فیی شأ نھا ، فلا یراھا شیئاً، بل یقلّل من قیمتھا ، ویعتبرھا کلام عجائز ، وخرافاتٍ وأ سا طیر۔۳۔ تبیا ناً للمنھج الوسط فیھا ، فلا اِ فراط ولا تفریط ، فھی لیست وحیاً و تشریعاً، کما أ نھا لیست عبثاً و تخلیطاً ، بل منھا ما ھو حق و منھا ماھو باطل۔۴ لا رتبا طھا بواقع الناس ۔ فکثیراً ما یتحدث الناس عنھا ۔ خا سة النساء۔، فہی مما تدعو الحاجةلبیا نهواِ ضا حه
تعريف علم النفس
تفسير الاحلام الاحلام عبارة عن رسل لا غنى عنها في تبليغ المعلومات الحيوية من القسم الغريزي او الفطري من الذهن البشري الى قسمه العقلاني الواعي المدرك الاحلام و الرؤى اذن , بما هي حضور الخافية في الوعي , و الوسيلة التي تكامل بها الخافية الوااعية او تعوضها و تقوم بتوازنها التعرف اللغوي للـ الاحلام الرؤيا على وزن فعلى , وما يراه الانسان في منامه , و الرؤيا في الاصطلاح لا تخرج عن المعنى اللغوي.
الالهام : تفسير الاحلام الالهام في اللغة : تلقين الله سبحانه وتعالى الخير لعبده , او القاؤه في روعه .والفرق بين الرؤيا والالهام ان الالهام , يكون في اليقظة , بخلاف الرؤيا فانها لا تكون الا في النوم
الحلم : تفسير الاحلام الحلم بضم الحاء المهملة وضم اللام وقد تسكن تخفيفا هو الرؤيا , او هو اسم للاحتلام وهو الجماع في النوم والحلم والرؤيا ان كان كل منهما يحدث في النوم الا ان الرؤيا اسم للمحبوب فلذلك تضاف الى الله سبحانه وتعالى , والحلم اسم للمكروه فيضاف الى الشيطان لقوله صلى الله عليه وسلم < الرؤيا من الله والحلم من الشيطان
الخاطر : الخاطر هو المرتبة الثانية من مراتب حديث النفس , ومعناه في اللغة ما يخطر في القلب من تدبير امر , وفي الاصطلاح ما يرد على القلب من الخطاب او الوارد الذي لا عمل للعبد فيه , والخاطر غالبا يكون في اليقظة بخلاف الرؤيا تفسير الاحلام
الوحي : من معانيه في اللغة كما قال ابن فارس الاشارة والرسالة والكتابة ثم غلب استعمال الوحي فيما يلقى الى الانبياء من عند الله تعالى . فالفرق بينه بين الرؤيا واضح , ورؤيا الانبياء وحي , وفي الحديث , اول ما بدئ به النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم من الوحي الرؤيا الصادقة تفسير الاحلام
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
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Interpretation of the dream of a man seeing the black man in a dreamthrough the books of interpretation
of the single woman,married or pregnant or divorced through the site of the idea,interpretation
of the dream of marrying a black man to Ibn Sirinor Ibn Katheer or to Nabulsi or Imam Imam or Ibn Shaheenthrough the idea of God We created all men and women from Adam,peace be upon him,
and God created the human beingsdifferent in color and features, and this is one of the signsof God in the universe,
تفسير حلم رؤية الرجل الاسود في المنام
تفسير حلم سرقة المال في المنام
تفسير حلم رؤية الاعتقال في المنام
تفسير حلم رؤية الحزام في المنام
تفسير حلم السفر بالسيارة في المنام
تفسير رؤية حيوان غريب في المنام
تفسير حلم سقوط الاسنان في المنام
تفسير حلم رؤية الوجع في المنام
تفسير حلم التمر في المنام
تفسير حلم دهان البيت في المنام
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
we find white and Alsmar and betweenthem degrees, and in the past the black color in human
beings was undesirable, Black sex,until I came down in the Koran to clarify that no dissolution
No one has one but piety, not color or descent or any otherthing that surpasses human dignity.
The black man in the dreamwill clarify the vision of the man asmar in the dream of single,
married and pregnant woman.There are many interpretations as explained by the honorablesalves
and imams of interpretation of visions and dreams of the greatinterpreters like Ibn Sirin,
Nabulsi and others. Interpretation of dreams and visions Black man in the interpretation of
the dream of seeing a black man in the dream ofa single woman or married or pregnant
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
If the girl saw a black man in her dream,this indicates the realization of dreams and faith,
if laughed andappeared white teeth This was evidence of the experience will hear him soon
and perhaps If she sees thatshe will marry this man, this is an affirmation of entering good and
happiness and providing her with abeautiful male child. If the pregnant woman sees the man in
her sleep while laughing and carrying a giftThe long black man in the dream saw a long black
man in her sleep. This indicates the longevity of thevisionary.Besides, the black man in a dream
shows good, happiness and good news, especially if he comes carryingpresents and smiles. Or
laugh, and this vision interpretation of the man as well as the human in happinessand happiness
and success in the next life,
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
whether new work or married life.Interpretation of the dream of marrying a black man to the son
of Sirinrgel Asmar in a dream shows the courage, strength and courage, if the difference is good and
successful and public Achieving safety andsecurity If the girl sees that she is marrying a black man,
this indicates the doors of good andsuccess that will open to her and her engagement soon from a
husband wholoves her and fears her and above all enjoys wealth and status. Interpretation of the
dream ofa black man Yalkinimen saw in his sleep that a black person chasing him, this is evidence
ofmany problems facing the visionary, and tries hard to avoid these problems, but succeeding,if he
hid in a place or resisted this man, this is evidence to get out of the crisis peacefully. Orthe skin is
unknown strange if the girl saw the lonely in A strange man with a brown skin, thisindicates that
the next beautiful and promising a new life better,
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
you may be eligible to get anew job or promotion, and perhaps a betrothal quickly based on love and
understanding.If a woman married in her sleep a strange black man, If she sees a pregnant woman
in her sleepa strange black man, this indicates that she will begin a new stage of her life is the birth
and careof the child and the child fills her happiness, as well as the expansion of the livelihood
Higheconomic situation A black man sees a black man sitting in a dream for a lonely woman.
He is very bad.There is evil and bad work, and he knows the people of his grandfather, and if
he is a religious man,he is proof of the approaching date of her marriage, God willing. If the man is black,
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
proof ofdifficulties in life will go away. As for seeing intercourse from a black man for marriage,
it isevidence that she is going to do wrong, disobedience, or lust, thinking about it, and she mustturn
back. Interpretation of dreams and visionsInterpretation of the dream of stealing money in a
dreamStealing money in a dreamInterpretation of the dream of stealing money in a dreamThe
theft of money in a dream through the books of interpretation of Ibn Sirin or Ibn Katheer or Nabulsi
or Ibn Shaheen or Imam Al-Sadiq through the site of the idea, the interpretation of the dream of
stealing the article from the bag and retracted to the married or married or pregnant or divorced,
seeing the theft in a dream or theft in fact But in a dream it is different, it may be good or not,
according to the vision, is the thief known or unknown, stealing money or gold or other valuable
things. Stealing money in a dreamAs well as the vision of a woman or a man different vision from
a man to his wife and according to married or pregnant or is still single,
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
the money may indicate the portfolio of the loss of a person Aziz may indicate the unknown thief to
death as explained by Ben Sirin, and will explain these visions in detail on the idea Through the
following lines. Stealing money in a dream Interpretation of dreams and visionsInterpretation of
the dream of stealing money from the purse for a single woman, married or pregnantIf she was
robbed in the house, everyone in the house knew what to hide from them, and if she was lost in
the market or the public road, there was a tahiyeh, a tirade and a gossip to learn about. And if she
stole her bag or her bag in the place of study or work has not been successful or will lose this job,
if the thief and recovered the money returned to dignity and gained the love and affection of people
again, and this vision does not differ if the woman is single or married Or pregnant.The theft of money
in a dream for a married couple and a pregnant womanIf a single girl sees in her dream that one of
the people stole her gold and money, she is sad so this led to the
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
loss of an important thing in her life and she lost a certificate or job but the theft of food predicts the
existence of a betrothal very soon. And this is a warning to her to hold on to God so as to protect her
from envy and away from the evil of these people, and this vision of the pregnant woman The same interpretation does not differ very much and indicates envy and resentment Towards them.Stealing
money in a dreamInterpretation of the dream of stealing money and retrieving itPerhaps the return
of a job or money or sons who were a stick God guided them to the right path, and this vision applies
to both men and women.Interpretation of the dream of stealing gold for married or singleWhoever
sees himself in a dream as if stealing money or gold in the interpretation of Ibn Sirin that the thief in
a dream shows that this person is doing the abominable or the same himself. If a married man sees
that his wife’s gold has been
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
stolen, this indicates something bad that will happen to his wife. The fear of the unknown and the
concern for money and real estate and fear of poverty, and the theft of gold may indicate the loss
of a loved one, but if the recovery of gold is a good and indicative of wealth after poverty and survival
After the distress and healing of the patient and the return of the absent.Stealing money in a dreamI
dreamed that I stole moneyThe theft in a dream indicates the absence and gossip, problems and mental
disorders, who saw himself stealing to look at him may be unfair to a person who does not know, and this vision
warns him not to spy on others and non-interference in non-concern, and if the theft of a dream to wake up
conscience and solve a problem, This vision of both men and women.Interpretation of the dream of seeing
arrest in a dreamSeeing the arrest in a dreamInterpretation of the dream of seeing arrest in a
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
dreamSeeing the arrest in a dream through the books of interpretation of Ibn Sirin or Nabulsi or Ibn Shaheen or
Imam al-Sadeq, interpretation of the dream of the police caught me arresting the single woman or married or
pregnant or divorced, interpretation of the dream police arrest my husband through the idea, the dream of
arrest indicates that There is something committed by the visionary and this is the penalty, but it is not a prison
or arrest in the sense of the word. Seeing the arrest in a dream Interpretation of dreams and visionsPerhaps the
visionary has committed a sin and he regrets it, but he is satisfied with this despair of the mercy of God and fear
that God will not forgive him, or there may be financial distress as many debts can not be paid by the sight of
the visionary, He may have been imprisoned for seven years and never committed a crime. We will clarify this by
presenting interpretations of the great scholars of interpretation in visions and dreams such as Ibn Sirin, Ibn
Shahin and Nabulsi.Interpretation of the dream of police
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
arrestSeeing the arrest of the police from the interpretation of Ben Siren and Nabulsi is twofold, that there are
difficult issues faced by the visionary and the vision of the policeman indicates the escape from these problems
and issues that do not go away from the eyes of the vision, as evidenced by the vision of the arrest of the
policeman on security and non-fear and success In the working life, and the higher the degree of the policeman
the safer and survive faster with an increase in successes and bonuses and promotions, such as seeing a
lieutenant or a brigade, a pioneer and so whenever the ranks
were higher vision in a higher degree in his career as well as Salah in his religion.Interpretation of the dream of
arresting my husband I dreamed that my husband was in prisonIf a wife sees in her sleep that her husband has
been arrested by the police and screams, this indicates in the vision of the interpretation of Ben Sereen and
Nabulsi that this woman loves her husband and is afraid of him and is too much and he does not respond to her
as the vision shows that this husband risks in many things without
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
Taking advice from one does not listen to the advice until there is a big problem begins to think of solutions to
these problems, and this vision predicts the wife that she should continue to advise her husband not to go to
failed experiments and also to call him guidance and see the right and move away from falsehood.Seeing the
arrest in a dreamInterpretation of vision I dreamed that I was jailed for a man or woman single, married or
pregnantThe prison in a dream from the interpretation of Ibn Sirin, Nabulsi and bin Shahin is all related to life
from the concerns and sorrows and problems of family, social and economic,
it indicates the distress and distress, or may indicate to single women to marry and live in an independent house
under a great man of the status and status and imprisonment is the passport .A prison in obedience to her
husband and his care, and married wife on her life her husband and sons, and shows this vision of the man on
the liver and fatigue in life and some of the difficulties faced, and who was sick and saw this vision, this is to fall
in the disease, he left prison in the dream was relieved Of that disease,
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
arrest and imprisonment may indicate the grave and death.Interpretation of the dream of entering the prison
unjustly see the police or the armyFrom the interpretation of Ibn Sirin that if the girl saw in her sleep police
enter her home, this indicates the success in her life and fulfill her wishes and also indicated her marriage soon,
and the married woman see the policeman shows the long life with her husband and stability with him and deep
love for her husband, as evidenced by the vision of security and safety Because the police are the ones who
defend and guard the rights of thieves and criminals, and their vision in the streets and streets D that this place
is safe and will not be hated.Interpretation of dreams and visions
Interpretation dream vision belt in a dream
See the belt in a dream seeing the belt in a dream
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
Interpretation dream vision belt in a dream
Seeing the belt in a dream for a married couple or a pregnant woman or a pregnant woman or a divorced
woman through an idea site, interpreting the dream of a broad belt in a dream to Imam al-Sadiq or Ibn Shaheen
or to Ibn Sirin or to Nabulsi or to Ibn Katheer. I dreamed that my husband gave me a gold belt. , From the
interpretation of the senior scholars and interpreters that the belt in a dream is different depending on the color
of the belt and how was the position of whether it is tight or loose, Vmhdd and indicates the firmness and
strength and will, and the dislocation indicates disobedience, and may indicate the roughness of life and
hardship of living, and the belt varies according to color White color shows purity, love and psychological peace
And blackness on sovereignty, serenity and greatness, and yellow on diseases, aches and pains, and we will
clarify the vision of the belt in a dream for married and single married and pregnant in some detail on the idea
site. Interpretation of dreams and visions
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
See the belt in a dream
Interpretation of seeing the golden and silver belt in a dream for men and pregnant women
Seeing the golden and silver belt in a dream for men and women is interpreted as one. If a man sees that he is
wearing a golden belt, this indicates success and superiority in his life, and seeing the silver belt indicates
creativity and thought. For the pregnant woman, the golden belt indicates the birth of a male child Or saw the
silver belt indicated that a female child.
Interpretation of dream belt skin pants in a dream for man and woman
The black belt in a dream indicates the success and superiority in life and the high posture and posture, although
it is touched on the abdomen, this indicates firmness and strength.
See the belt in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of a belt break for a girl, a married woman and a pregnant woman
Seeing the belt for women if it is single indicates happiness and pleasure if the girl saw that she went to buy a
belt and was muzzled and tight and happy with it, this evidence of her engagement or marriage of a suitable
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
person compatible with them and their lives by the stability of physical and emotional stability.
If the married woman sees that she wore the belt or saw it, it indicates the stability of her marital life and her
husband’s good. If her husband gave her a belt, this indicates a male child who will be blessed by Allaah.
The vision of the pregnant woman in a dream indicates a lot of good and the available birth. If she wears a belt
of gold, this indicates that God will give her a male born. If she wears a silver belt, this is proof that God will
give her a female kolod.
Interpretation of dream gold belt in a dream
The belt for the man may be indicative of the firmness and success, if the belt is elegant and transparent and
tight on the abdomen indicated that the vision of a strong personality that draws people and work for him
account, and if the belt loose some thing, this indicates that this man is middle and does not like strictness in
matters It is characterized by flexibility and courage and at the same time is characterized by a softness of the
side. The loss of the belt and its loss indicates the material loss and loss of some family ties and the vision of the
leather belt is stronger than the cloth and linen belt
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
Gold Belt in a dream
Interpretation of Dream Belt Black White Red Blue Silver in a Dream
The black belt in men and women is a sign of sovereignty, control, inner strength, psychological, physical strength and public health.
The white belt indicates that this person is kindhearted and loves people, and he also earns the confidence of
the people around him because he is sincere.
The red color of the belt indicates the happiness, love, and joys that will be set up, and may indicate a romantic
The color of yellow in a dream is not good, it may indicate diseases that may be impaired by the vision, and may
indicate the sorrows and pains that affect the body and body.
The blue color in a dream indicates that there is migration, travel and travel, so the man has to travel or move
to a new place.
Interpretation of dreams and visions
Interpretation of travel dream by car in a dream
Travel by car in a dream traveling by car in a dream
Interpretation of travel dream by car in a dream
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
Traveling by car in a dream for a man or a married woman or for a pregnant woman or a divorced woman.
Interpretation of the dream of travel by car or Arabic with husband or family through the books of interpretation
to Imam al-Sadiq or Ibn Shaheen or to Ibn Katheer or to Nabulsi through the idea website. It was not in their
time a car or a pilot and a train and succession, but through the interpretation of riding the animal we derive
interpretations of the modern era and through the presentation of explanations for scientists interpret the visions
and dreams in the modern era as well as in the era the old. Travel by car in a dream
We will introduce on the site the idea of different explanations for riding the car, riding the car with parents,
interpreting the car ride with a person, interpreting the intention of travel and so on in the dream of seer
traveling by car in a dream interpretation of dreams and visions
Travel by car in a dream
Explain the dream of traveling by car with parents
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
The dream of traveling is a new stage in the life of the individual, although traveling is convenient for the
comfort of family life, work and stability. The ride in the car itself indicates security, safety and fearlessness, and
if the car is traveling on a highway, And the physical stability, although the visionary accompanied by a family as
his wife and sons and parents, one of this indicates that the visionary enjoyed a family relationship coherent and
closely linked to a large extent
Explain the dream of riding a car with someone I know for single men
If riding a car is safe and reassuring and change life for the better, riding a person with the vision is more secure
and reassuring, if a single girl saw that they ride a car with a person Tarfh this indicates that this girl may soon
be linked to a young man was not authorized by the love, And will have a consensus in the feelings and
emotional tendencies and will also have a partnership in the field of work through which to achieve success and
continuous achievements
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
Interpretation of the white car dream of man and woman single and married
Interpretation of the dream of riding the white car of the man shows the purity and clarity and good creation
and stability of his marital life if he is married, and if not married, the interpretation of this vision is a revolution
on the similar to him in the nature, which has been looking for a while ago, and this vision shows the good deal
with Others
If a woman sees in her dream that she is riding a white car, it indicates that she has qualities similar to the
angels and has flexibility and smooth handling and everyone courts her and tries to pair with them, and
eventually will settle on a pair similar to angelic qualities
The married woman, who sees in her dream that she is riding a white car, is a gospel of her pregnancy if she
does not have children, as well as the marital happiness she enjoys with her husband.
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
Interpretation of the dream of traveling by bus or public bus
If a person sees in his sleep that he is a bus or a public bus, this means that this person is loving and friendly to
the people, that is social. If the seats are many and comfortable, they indicate psychological and social stability.
This vision also indicates that this person is successful in various fields in his life, If the bus is full of passengers
and can not find a free seat, this indicates some of the trouble that may be encountered in his life, and
whenever the passengers, their faces are beautiful and their sleep is neat and clean life was a chain and a
hassle, and vice versa if the passengers faces are ugly and frightening and their sleepiness is untidy and
unclean. Some bad conditions of the seer and that there are some problems to be Resolve and make a decisive
Explain the dream of traveling by car with parents
The dream of traveling is a new stage in the life of the individual, although traveling is convenient for the
comfort of family life, work and stability. The ride in the car itself indicates security, safety and fearlessness, and
if the car is traveling on a highway, And the physical stability, although the visionary accompanied by a family as
his wife and sons and parents, one of them indicated that the vision holder enjoyed a family relationship
coherent and highly interdependent ..
Interpretation of dreams and visions
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
Interpretation of seeing a strange animal in a dream
A strange animal in a dream a strange animal in a dream
Interpretation of seeing a strange animal in a dream
A strange animal in a dream for a married or married or pregnant or divorced through the site of an idea,
interpretation of the dream of animals strange to Imam Sadiq or Ibn Sirin or Ibn Katheer or to Nabulsi or Ibn
A strange animal in a dream Explains the dream of attacking a predatory animal through an idea site, turning a
pet into a predatory animal. Sometimes we see strange things in the dream, such as talking a cat or a cow with
two wings or a vision like that. Serene to see exotic animals in detail and so on the idea site. A strange animal in
a dream
A strange animal in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of a strange animal chasing me and I run away from it
Whoever sees in a dream that a strange animal is chasing, this has many interpretations, and according to the
interpretation of Ibn Sirin and the scholars of interpretation in visions and dreams:
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
Perhaps a woman (a girl) is single there who wants to marry her maybe her parents have imposed on him is
sticking to Bahwahi do not want, and see in a dream that it evades him because it does not want to N If holding
evidence of the permissibility of them, but if he could not catch them, Vision on separation Engagement or marriage.
If a married woman saw this vision, the vision showed that she had a problem that was disturbed in her life by a
family or family problem or by one of the children. If she entered a house or a place to see her,
If a pregnant woman saw this vision, she might have been afraid of giving birth and her mother would have
entered a place where she would not have seen anyone to pursue her. She was safe and safe and would not feel afraid.
Interpretation of the vision of strange creatures in the house and fear of Ibn Sirin
Seeing strange creatures such as dinosaurs or animals familiar to us but showing a huge larger than the real size
of the dream indicate anxiety and fear of the future, the vision may indicate the fear of experiences and engage
in it as a marriage project, for example, or marital problems that require separation and divorce and the
visionary fears the consequences of Divorce, fear may be the result of the exam, so students may have a job is
unstable and there are those who harm the words and deeds, all if the seer felt in a dream that he feels fear and
anxiety of this strange animal
tafsir ahlam تفسير الاحلام
A strange animal in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of seeing creeping animals for single women, pregnant or married women
Seeing the animals crawling in a dream are enemies, diseases and problems, seeing insects crawling to show
bad friends and the disasters and obstacles that face the man in a way, if you see in your sleep that insect
chasing you, this Tawilah someone wants to kill you and hurt you killed the insect has survived, She returned to
life again. This indicates that the problems are coming back and that there are bad friends who are showing the
opposite of what they are burying, that is, their intentions are bad. If the insect bites the vision, this indicates that the victim is long.
Interpretation of the dream of falling teeth in a dream
Interpretation of dream vision pain in a dream
Interpretation of dream dates in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of painting the house in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of the eye in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of corn in a dream
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Interpretation of the sea dream in a dream of Ibn Sirin
Interpretation of the dream of seeing potatoes in a dream (potato)
Interpretation of the dream of wearing niqab in a dream
Interpretation of dream a beautiful place in a dream
See crawling animals for single women, pregnant or married women
Seeing a pet in a dream
A pet may be a cat or a dog, or an animal eaten like a rabbit, who saw in the pajamas of a pet in his home or in a shop for animals, this indicates the need for love and tenderness. If the visionary sees that he eats the animals, In printing some animal qualities, such as sensuality and aggression.
Pets in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of attacking a predator animal bite predator animal in a dream strange animal
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chasing me
From the interpretation of Ben Sirin chase predatory animal in a dream shows the problems and difficulties and fear of some things life, and the bite of the animal predator in the dream indicates the occurrence of something that harms the vision, failure and failure or some marital problems that lead to separation and divorce
Interpretation of dreams and visions
Interpretation of the dream of falling teeth in a dream
Falling teeth in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of falling teeth in a dream
The fall of the teeth in a dream through the books of interpretation of the marital or married or pregnant, interpretation of the dream of the fall of the teeth coating installation of the Imam sincere or Ibn Sirin or Ibn Katheer or for Nabulsi through the idea site,
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The fall of the teeth in a dream Interpretation of the dream of tooth permeation, interpretation of the incidence of teeth without pain, vision of teeth in a dream have many explanations vary depending on whether the teeth are upper or lower teeth, teeth or fangs, and the vision varies
according to whether a man or woman Is a married woman or single Or pregnant, and we will clarify this by presenting explanations to the great scholars of interpretation in visions and dreams and to the interpretation of Ben Sereen. Falling teeth in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of the fall of the teeth in the hand for the married and the pregnant and the single
From the interpretation of Ibn Sirin shows that the fall of the teeth in the hand for the married woman is a loss will compensate and if not have children, God will give her children according to the number of teeth and God
knows, and teeth marching indicates bad family relations
The fall of the teeth of a pregnant woman indicates her fear and tension of pregnancy and childbirth and seeing her teeth in her hand indicates that God will give her that beautiful
If she sees a single girl that her teeth fell into her hands, this indicates that she has troubles and difficulties in her life and will be solved. If the teeth are white and she looks at her, this indicates marriage or marriage and happiness.
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Falling teeth in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of the fall of the lower teeth in the hand
The dream of falling teeth in a dream has many connotations according to the interpretation of Ibn Sirin and the interpreters in the visions and dreams, the upper teeth have an explanation and the bottom has an explanation, Fidel fall of the teeth all along the age of the vision, the view of all
teeth fell in his hand indicated that it will be Of the elderly, and will not die until after the death of all his family and his family, and this vision indicates the elimination of the debt of the visionary, and the passage of crises in his life, but it will not last long and will achieve what he seeks, and the fall of the lower teeth evidence to rid the vision of the enemies and problems
Falling teeth in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of falling teeth with blood
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The fall of the upper teeth in a dream from the interpretation of Ibn Sirin indicates wealth and wealth. If a man sees that his upper teeth fell in his hand, he was in a financial crisis, and he was a religion, God’s damned him, and his livelihood in terms of not calculated,
Interpretation of dream vision pain in a dream
Interpretation of dream dates in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of painting the house in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of the eye in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of corn in a dream
Interpretation of the sea dream in a dream of Ibn Sirin
Interpretation of the dream of seeing potatoes in a dream (potato)
Interpretation of the dream of wearing niqab in a dream
Interpretation of dream a beautiful place in a dream
Interpretation of dream road (street) in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of the fall of one lower age of married and pregnant and single
Falling teeth in a dream
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The vision of the fall of the age has many connotations vary according to age is the age of upper or lower, the upper teeth friends and parents and lower teeth interpreted by the faithful and the faithful and the same as the vision varies according to whether the vision of a young man or woman and whether she is married or pregnant or single mother has Explain the occurrence of the year by the death of a relative or the birth of a child
A single girl observes that one year has fallen from her lower jaw. This indicates in the vision that she has been in an emotional relationship or a betrothal or marriage relationship, and the vision indicates that she has gotten
rid of this person who is emotionally disturbed and tired.
If this vision sees a woman married to Fidel that she has problems that she is worried about and is always thinking about, and this vision is a gospel to her by saving her from the problems she is suffering and the salvation of her worries and sorrows. If there are those who lie there, she will get rid of him with a journey or
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This vision of the pregnant woman shows her fear and her monasticity from birth, but the survival of her pain and her survival safely from the mother of birth and the survival of her child
Interpretation of dreams and visions
Interpretation of dream vision pain in a dream
Vision of pain in a dream Interpretation of dreams and visions
Interpretation of dream vision pain in a dream
The vision of pain in a dream through the books of interpr
etation for single women or married or pregnant or divorced, what is the interpretation of the dream of abdominal pain or man or side or foot to Imam sincere or Ibn Sirin or Ibn Katheer or Ibn Shaheen or Nabulsi through the idea of the idea of pain in a dream shows On many things, depending on the location of the pain and its location, the teeth indicate the family problems between relatives and family problems wife and children. Interpretation of dreams and visions seeing pain in a
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The vision of the abdominal pain indicates the money that the vision of the patient may be spent in useless things, and seeing the back pain indicates the brother and what is between them there may be a serious illness that affects the brother or death, God forbid, and we will
explain in detail the interpretation of vision pain and pain in all parts The body through the presentation of the interpretation of Ibn Sirin, bin Shaheen, Nabulsi and senior scholars of interpretation and visions and so on the idea. Interpretation of dreams and visions seeing pain in a dream
What is the interpretation of a dream wrench or abdominal pain and grandeur
The vision of the abdomen in a dream shows the money, the parents and the relatives, who saw in his sleep that there is a mother in his stomach indicated that there
are problems troubling, there may have been financial and economic problems but on the way to a solution, although there are family problems in the way to a solution and will become Things are okay, as the large belly shows the increase of money and children, the abdominal pain may indicate sins, sin and vision warning him to leave sin interpretation of dreams and visions
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Vision of pain in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of foot pain and man’s man
The man and the foot are the strength of the man and his control over things. If there is a deficiency, this is a deficiency in his life. Seeing the pain in a man’s
dream is a shortage of money and children and severing family ties, although the pain in the fingers indicates that And in some of the interpretations that the pain in the foot on the change of case and replace it to better interpretation of dreams and visions
Interpretation of dreams and visions
Vision of pain in a dream
Interpretation of the right man’s wrench pain
The right man’s wrench in a dream indicates the lesion and disease in the male offspring, or perhaps the boy who is sinful and handicapped by the fatherhood.
The left man is a fidelity to the girls from the children and the problems that happen to them. The pain indicates their preoccupation with them and their fears. And the lack of
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tricks in many things.
Vision of pain in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of abdominal pain or pleurisy for pregnant, married or single women
The sight of abdominal pain in a pregnant woman’s pregnancy indicates her pregnancy, as the abdomen shows the children and the money and the imprisonment. It is not the condition of imprisonment, but the imprisonment of something in the intestines, such as secretions, secretions and special relationships. The abdominal ache shows that this person is a disciple of secrets. To bear the burdens of psychological burdens in addition to fear of pregnancy, and this is indicative of her birth, but pass some problems before birth and may be difficult birth some thing.
Vision of pain in a dream
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Interpretation of the dream of Almmsr and puffed for married and pregnant and single men dreamed of pain in my teeth
The pain of the teeth, and filling them indicates fear and anxiety and may indicate the loss of something and return, if the pain of decay in the vision that there are people who hurt the vision and vision of the act, and remove the tooth and tooth palpitations Wage
refers to the disposal of bad companions and friends or renew life , If she was a visionary married, her vision was to get rid of all her troubles in her life and start a new life and repair her life and her husband’s integrity, but if she was pregnant and she survived and carry it, and the couple start a new life with the husband of the future and get rid of all the pain in previous experiences.
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Interpretation of dreams and visions
Interpretation of dream dates in a dream
Dates in a dream Dates in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of seeing dates in a dream
The vision of dates in a dream for a single woman or married or pregnant or divorced through the site of the idea, interpretation of the vision of dates a lot in the dream forward or Ibn Sirin or Ibn Katheer or Ibn Shaheen or Nabulsi, interpretation of the dream of the
distribution dates, interpretation of giving dates in the dream, wet dates Or dates, it should be noted that dates are the most important fruits that have many benefits and many, and these benefits for adults and young people, it helps in the treatment of many diseases,
including anemia, and advised by doctors handling and especially pregnant women in recent months and is a key factor in facilitating the birth process, Children with dates honey E of the many benefits, including that it has vitamins and iron needed by the body, and for the vision of dates in a dream has a lot of interpretation and connotations.
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Seeing dates in a dream
The interpretation of seeing the dead gives a pass to the son of Sirin
Interpretation of the vision of dates in the dream of the son of Sirin has many indications that it indicates the access to money and livelihood is abundant,
and that this person is a sign of the passage in a dream is interpreted as a believer and save a lot of the Koran, and for those who think that the distribution of dates in a dream, He will make a lot of money, and this money will return to health and happiness.
When you see that this person sees that a dead person gives him a pass in a dream, this indicates that he will do a special project of success and win a lot of it. If he sees in the dream that the one who gives dates is the father or mother, this indicates that there is a human being in the way
Interpretation of the dream of painting the house in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of the eye in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of corn in a dream
Interpretation of the sea dream in a dream of Ibn Sirin
Interpretation of the dream of seeing potatoes in a dream (potato)
Interpretation of the dream of wearing niqab in a dream
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Interpretation of dream a beautiful place in a dream
Interpretation of dream road (street) in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of drinking wine in a dream
Interpretation of seeing a friend in a dream
Dates in a dream
Interpretation of the dream of dates Almqnoz for bachelor
When seeing a girl for dates in a dream this means that she will marry a man with a great Jah and a lot of money and this man is cream, and when the girl sees that she buys pass, this indicates that she will have luck in the near marriage also and God knows and know
Interpretation of the dream of dates a lot for married
When you see that she is buying dates in a dream, this indicates wealth and wealth, but when you see the theft of dates, this indicates that there is a crisis and major problems with the husband and it is possible To end with separation together and God knows and know.
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Interpretation of seeing wet dates given in a dream to a pregnant woman
Pregnant women when seeing to eat dates in a dream shows that they are pregnant in the birth of a male, and when they see that they collect dates, this indicates
that this expected child will come with a large livelihood and abundant money and brings them happiness and when seeing the amount of dates, this means collecting and saving money, They come together in love and share the family together.
Give dates in a dream
The signs of the vision of the yellow dates This indicates the livelihood in many things and good coming soon, and also profit in the projects that look forward to God and know and know
Interpretation of dreams and visions