About Us
Tafsir al ahlam provides you with every dream’s Interpretation and along with it, if you want some other information, then that too is provided to you. If you do not understand the Islamic interpretation of some dreams, then you can contact us directly. tafsiralahlam.info has published 6400 Islamic dream interpretations, you can find all types of dream interpretations in Islam here.
AUR Mission
Our mission is to convey to you the dream interpretation in Islam of all the dreams seen all over the world. If anyone sees a dream, he definitely wants to know what is the interpretation of the dream and why have I seen the dream. So the person who sees the dream wants to know its interpretation.
Name: Jawwad Hussain
Contact: Basti Haji Allah Bakhsh, Taj Garh Road, Moza Thalwari, Rahim yar Khan, Punjab, Pakistan